Cootes Veterinary Clinic

A warm welcome to our vets in Burgess Hill for you and your pet

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Pet Health Club®


Save money on the cost of treatments and services that keep your pet healthy and happy. Budget and spread the cost of routine care across the year by paying with Direct Debit.


Get complete peace of mind and your pet’s wellbeing looked after with Pet Health Club® and save money on routine healthcare, every year.

Find out more and join the club!

Charity Dog Show

Saturday 28th September 2024


A brilliant day had by all.


We raised over £800 which was divided between the two charities, St Peter & St James Hospice and Raystede Centre for Animal Welfare.


Look out for our Dog Show next year!

Cootes Community Grant

We are pleased to announce that we have been able to donate £500 to Lumpy Lodge - Rabbit & Guinea Pig Rescue Sanctuary, and a further £250 to both Raystede Centre for Animal Welfare and again this year, to St Peter & James Hospice, thanks to a community grant.

St Peter & St James Hospice provides expert care to adults living with a life-limiting illness in our community and those close to them.

Raystede Centre for Animal Welfare rescue, rehome and care for animals of all shapes and sizes from dogs, cats and rabbits to mice, guinea pigs and even horses.

Lumpy Lodge offer a retirement home for older, unwanted or abandoned rabbits and guinea pigs.